Chapter 5


1. Derive Eq. (5.33)... See: Pr5.1

2. Estimate the amount of atmospheric cooling and hence destabilization from synoptic-scale lift... See Pr.5.2

3. Compute the horizontal difference in hydrostatic surface pressure that could result from a horizontal temperature difference from a land point to a sea point... See Pr5.3


1. HCRs on 13 June 2011, at ~1900 UTC, as observed by the Wichita, Kansas (KICT) WSR-88D.

2. Apparent gravity waves excited by early morning convective storms, on 2 September 2011, apparent (as radar-reflectivity fine lines) beginning ~1300 UTC, in southeastern Iowa/northeastern Illinois.

3. CI associated with an extensive outflow boundary and perhaps also with a topographic feature known as the Caprock Canyons, on 23 May 2013, at ~1815 UTC, in northwestern Texas. An animation of visible satellite imagery depicts well the entire convective evolution, which included a southward-moving tornadic supercell (for an overview, see: )

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